Personalized Little Peanut Poster (18x24)


Personalized Little Peanut Poster (18x24)

SKU: 40211NA
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This item is discontinued.

Features and Facts:

Colors: Pink or blue
Materials: Printed on cardstock
Details: 1) Mount the backdrop to a wall surface using Command Picture Hanging Strips, available at most craft stores. 2) Frame the poster and hang on the wall 3) Use an easel for display. Mounting supplies and easel are not included with the sign.
Dimensions: 18"h x 24"w
Selling Unit: Individually
Minimum Quantity With Personalization: 1
Assembly Required: Some assembly required

Kate Aspen's Personalized Poster in two Little Peanut designs welcomes guests to the elephant themed baby shower celebration and provides mom with a lasting memento of a special day. In both a pink option and blue option, the elephant themed baby shower sign shows a "Welcome little peanut!" message with an adorable elephant and two lines of custom text under the elephant at the bottom of the poster. When framed, this poster makes a perfect piece of nursery wall decor!