Winter is such a glorious time of year. With the glistening snow, chilly temps and fabulous sweaters, who would think that it’s not such a good time for babies to be born?
We know that birth order can affect a child’s personality, but now they say that birth season does, too? Does it really matter which season you’re born in? Do children born in the summer always have a sunny disposition? I don’t know, but researchers say that there does seem to be some correlation between seasons and births. According to some long-term studies, children born in winter months have a few strikes against them.
Whose report will you believe?
It’s been said that winter babies “test poorly, don’t get as far in school, earn less, are less healthy, and don’t live as long as children born at other times of year.” But, I don’t believe that. My niece is a December baby (Happy Birthday Alia–in 30 days), and she’s an A student who can really play some mean basketball. It makes me wonder, just who are they testing and are there other factors, like family history and socio-economic conditions, coming into play. I tend to think so. But, hey…what do I know? Maybe I should do some research of my own. Come on, all you December and January babies. Let me know how you really feel!
Winter babies are a bundle of possibilities!
As far as I’m concerned, there are plenty of benefits of being a winter baby:
- All the cool holidays are in the winter months. From Christmas to New Year’s and even Valentine’s Day, everybody seems to be celebrating your special day.
- You have plenty of opportunity to build up your natural immune system during cold and flu season. Pretty soon, it won’t affect you at all.
A positive outlook is inevitable. After experiencing the winters of life, you always know that spring is just around the corner.
- It’s easier for Mom to stay home and get maternity leave and for out-of-town relatives to visit because companies are closed a lot during the holidays anyway.
- There’s always a chance you’ll be the first baby born of the New Year and get showered with media attention, gifts and praise. How exciting! No summer, spring or fall baby gets that!
- By the time you start school, you’ll be more mature than your peers. Because of your late birthday, you’re about a year older and wiser than your classmates.
- Thanks to the chilly temps, you get held close during the winter months more so than others, which increases bonding and nurturing between mother and child.
- And, my personal favorite–the clothes! There are so many cute baby clothes for winter –like this faux fur coat–that make you just want to snuggle them up and hold them close.