Mr. Christopher from the Corner Stork Baby Gifts Blog with some more important info for you. The toy recall list that has been growing for the past year has gotten way out of hand. It’s extremely difficult as a parent to know what is safe and it’s a pain to have to rely on toy stores to pull toys off of shelves in a timely manner. Especially now that there is a report issued from MSNBC that found that among a bunch of toys that were tested that are STILL on the shelves, that 35% of them have lead in them far above the level that has had most toys recalled. The toys they found with lead are still on store shelves. Toys included in the new finding include;
Tatiti Brush Your Teeth! Robot – I couldn’t find a photo or any proof that this toy actually exists, so most likely you’ve never seen or planned to even purchase this one.
Elmo’s Take-Along Card Games – Apparently they found lead on the card cases themselves. But best bet is to do away with it altogether in case that’s not correct.
Nick Jr. Go Diego Go! backpack – There are about half a dozen Go Diego Go! backpacks out there and they failed to indicate which of them it was, so just say No Diego No.
My Pasture Play Set – This is the best picture I could find of this play set. Not sure why kids want to play in pastures anyway, but here it is.
Hannah Montana Pop Star Card Game case – You probably have this on your list or already have it. Take it back.
And if you happened to miss all of the other hundreds of recalls posted by the toy companies, here you go!
Recap of Recalled Toys with photos
Consumer Product Safety Commission Areas (for ALL companies)
CPSC Search ALL Products for Recalls Page
CPSC Infant/Child Product Recalls (NOT including toys)
CPSC Toy Hazard Recalls
CPSC Household Recalls
CPSC Outdoor Products Recalls
CPSC Sports & Recreation Product Recalls
CPSC Specialty Product recalls
Are we missing anything? Let us know! You can always visit Corner Stork Baby Gifts for great baby gift ideas that are safe and will save you the hassle of dealing with scouring these lists.