Life is filled with choices. Some we make without a second thought, like what type of baby gift to give at a shower, while others are labored over to no end. Regardless of how you arrive at your answer, it will be one that you’ll have to live with for the rest of your lif...
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I’ll admit the title of this post might be a tad overly dramatic, but it got your attention, did it not? I just wanted to let you—baby gift givers and new mothers alike—about a few products that have been recalled over the last six months.
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It’s his first minute in a brand-new world, and he’s taking in big gulps of the air that will sustain him for the rest of his life. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could promise him a childhood—and a lifetime—filled with clean, fresh, breathable air?
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Simple! Just let baby sleep on it or, more precisely, in it! This adorable sleep-time baby gift set is Baby MD from Baby Aspen’s “Big Dreamzzz” collection. Did you notice the little surgical cap and OR booties? I don’t think it gets any cuter than this, do you? Ahhh, but th...
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