Daughter Gets Mom’s “Spare Womb” to Have a Baby!

Eva Ottosson of Nottingham, England, waved goodbye to her baby-bearing years a while ago. Her daughter, Sara, cannot have children because of a serious birth defect that left her without a womb. Long story short, they’re about to do the first human womb transplant ever!

Eva Ottosson of Nottingham, England, waved goodbye to her baby-bearing years a while ago. Her daughter, Sara, cannot have children because of a serious birth defect that left her without a womb. Long story short, they’re about to do the first human womb transplant ever! Mom Eva is giving her daughter her womb so she can have a baby.



This surgery, which will be performed in Sweden, has never been done on humans before. Experimental womb transplants  have been done successfully on mice, who carried and gave birth to babies via transplanted wombs.  If this transplant is successful, women everywhere will owe Eva and her daughter a debt of gratitude for their courage.

I, for one, am hoping with all my heart that the surgery works. Sara will know the complete joy of being pregnant and having a baby. She’ll have a totally different perspective on picking baby clothes, decorating a nursery, preparing for the future.  Good luck to Eva and Sara! We’re pulling for you!

I’ll keep you posted on what happens as soon as I know something.

Meanwhile, read the whole story here: https://tinyurl.com/44bfcnp