Well, here we are again with some great baby news. Christina Aguilera who still hasn’t really come out publicly to announce her pregnancy, is certainly doing everything she can to fan the flames. So if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck and walks like a duck, let’s call it a duck. Many of you may remember that the mistress of the night Paris Hilton made an announcement from the stage at one of P-Diddy’s party that Christina was pregnant. Christina simply buried her head in her hubby’s shoulder laughing, but never denied the announcement.
Well, now Christina is out shopping and registering for baby shower gifts at Bel Bambini, so even if she doesn’t say a word, I think we can safely assume that it’s a done deal. This is a very high end baby boutique on the celebrity friendly Robertson Boulevard in West Hollywood, California. According to store sales employee, she picked out all of the accessories and her and hubby picked out everything together including unique baby blankets, baby bottles, baby clothes, diaper bags and much more. The employee added, “She had a little baby bump. She was beautiful.”
Now for those of you who don’t have multi-platinum record deals and that can’t walk into a store and pay a grand for a diaper bag, swing over to Corner Stork Baby Gifts and pick up baby gifts and baby shower party favors that feature the same level of quality, but at a fraction of the cost.