No, this isn’t a collection of herbal teas designed to soothe Mom during her pregnancy. It’s actually a beautiful celebration of her–the Mom to be. This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend one first hand, and after being there I just had to share the experience with you. What a great idea for first time moms or someone who has had a lengthy time between pregnancies.
Just for Mom
According to the hostess, when the baby comes, mommy’s life changes forever. She’s no longer “Lisa”, but immediately becomes “Tyler’s Mom” for the rest of her life. In just a few months, everything will be all about the baby, so a maternity tea is an opportunity to keep the focus on Mom–she is doing all the work by the way! Nurturing the little one inside of her, doing everything she can to keep herself healthy and on track, and learning how to become a first-time Mom, she deserves to be celebrated. It was a special time for us to rejoice with her over the pregnancy, and it was truly all about her!
What we did
Because it was a traditional ladies’ tea, we arrived to the home and the smell of fresh baked scones and muffins greeted us at the door. The tables were dressed with an array of faux china, flowers and decorative touches. Amidst the girl talk, we were served delightfully warm bread and dressed it with a fabulous selection of jams, spreads, lemon curd, Devonshire cream and more. The one little girl in attendance reminded us to lift our pinkie finger when we drank our tea. She knew this because this was her third tea party this year! Everyone joined in on the fun as we enjoyed our next course of cucumber, salmon and chicken salad finger sandwiches followed by a round of fresh-baked tea cakes (or cookies). Scrumptious!
Shower her with gifts
After the meal, we retired to the parlor where the honoree opened her gifts. There were no baby booties, diapers or baby gifts in the bunch–only items just for her! We oohed and aahed over the cute blue jean maternity skirts, pants and sassy tops she received from the guests. She even got some cocoa butter to help with those pesky stretch marks. Yes, we celebrated her in good fashion. We were so happy to be with our first-time mom and share this special time with her.
Our take aways
Not only did we leave there feeling quite girly and giddy at the thought of such a special celebration, we also received goodie bags with pomegranate tea and mason jars filled with red velvet cake. Yum! Personalized with “Alexis’ Maternity Tea” and the date on the lid, it was the perfect end to a sweet beginning in her life.
Congratulations Alexis! If you’d like to plan a Maternity Tea for your mommy to be, consider including one of these tea time favors.