Big Dreamzzz! A Baby Gift Worth Giving!

Have you seen the new collection of unique baby gifts from Baby Aspen called “Big Dreamzzz”?  This line of  “future fame” sleepwear is too cute for words, and it gives the new Mom, Dad and baby something special to look forward to! Baby Aspen just launched the fourth in their ever-growing line—“Big Dreamzzz” Baby All-Star.

Baby All StarHave you seen the new collection of unique baby gifts from Baby Aspen called “Big Dreamzzz”?  This line of  “future fame” sleepwear is too cute for words, and it gives the new Mom, Dad and baby something special to look forward to! Baby Aspen just launched the fourth in their ever-growing line—“Big Dreamzzz” Baby All-Star.

Unless you’re one of those individuals who believes girls should aspire only to traditionally female careers, this outfit will look just as cute on a girl as it will on a boy. Yes, I know people will automatically assume the baby in this outfit is a boy, so socially enlightened moms just need to be ready with a response to “Oh, what a cute little boy!”

Mom’s response: “Good guess, but no. This is my daughter Emerson Rose. We want to teach her from a Baby Ballerinayoung age that she can be anything she wants to be when she grows up rather than conform to society’s gender-biased expectations. Besides, we think this outfit is adorable!”

Not to worry! “Big Dreamzzz” has something for the traditionalists, too. Here’s the dainty and delightful Baby Ballerina sleep set. Ironically, I don’t believe what I said above holds true for this outfit. It’s clearly a girly thing. It’s highly unlikely a new dad would let his newborn boy be seen in Baby Ballerina, but you never know.



Baby MDBaby CamoMeanwhile, there’s still “Big Dreamzzz” Baby MD and Baby Camo, both of which I believe would work for either gender, depending on baby’s parents. They may be doctors, members of the armed forces or avid hunters, and they would be proud to h ave their children follow in their footsteps. I can see an outfit like this becoming a keepsake—framing it after baby outgrows it and using it as nursery/wall decor to remind their little one of all the possibilities! As always, you’ll find these fabulous baby gifts first at Corner Stork Baby Gifts!