Decorating a baby room without knowing the baby’s sex can make it difficult to choose a color palette that would fit either gender. A perfect palette for both a boy or a girl? Yellow and gray.
Mustard yellow and slate grays are very popular right now, and with the right decoration and hues you can create a clean and modern yet playful environment for your new bundle.
Start with a neutral colored gray wall and add in curtains and bedding with yellow accents. A mobile of yellows and whites hanging from the ceiling and a modern rocking chair are perfect complements to this color scheme. Finish it off with a gray and yellow quilt and you’ll have a perfect room for your little one.
Links: 1. Curiosities En Tissu 2. Oh So Beautiful Paper 3. Biscuit Monster 4. Apartment Therapy 5.Oh Dee Doh 6. Mimi’s on Etsy 7. Curiosities En Tissu