Baby On Board With Grandma Is Safer Than You Think!

Let grandma behind the wheel! Admit it!  Most people think that a baby on board with grandma or grandpa behind the wheel isn’t such a safe proposition.  But, a recent study may just allay those safety concerns. 

Let grandma behind the wheel!

Admit it!  Most people think that a baby on board with grandma or grandpa behind the wheel isn’t such a safe proposition.  But, a recent study may just allay those safety concerns.  That’s right, a new study from State Farm Insurance revealed that kids traveling in a car were actually safer with their grandparents driving than with their own parents.  (So, that’s the reason why many of them drive so very slow on the road…there’s a baby on board!)

Being extra careful with their precious cargo, it seems they go to greater lengths to ensure the safety of their little ones by looking twice before proceeding into traffic, coming to a complete stop at stop signs, letting that turn signal go on for days so everyone knows their intentions and actually driving the speed limit.  Go figure!  Who knew all this little annoying things they do when you’re driving behind them is actually a good thing for baby?  The fact is that they’re less likely to take risks with those little ones in the car (unlike us younger drivers who sometimes approach the open road with reckless abandon.)  Wonder if that safety statistic carries over to aunts, uncles and other family members who may be extra cautious with someone else’s children?  Who knows, but it’s certainly time to celebrate our seasoned drivers.

The Bottom Line

The results are from an analysis of State Farm insurance claims for 2003-07 car crashes in 15 states, and interviews with the drivers.  Overall, 1.05 percent of kids were injured when riding with parents, versus 0.70 percent of those riding with grandparents, or a 33 percent lower risk. The difference was even more pronounced — 50 percent — when the researchers took into account other things that could influence injury rates, including not using car seats, and older-model cars.

The Finish Line

Since grandma and grandpa are such safe drivers, they can probably speed it up a bit when they’re on the road and give the grand kids a real NASCAR experience.  Revving it up for the little guys, they’ll be off as soon as they start their engines.  Hugging curves and stopping on a dime, they’ll definitely put the fun back in racing all over town to soccer practice, after-school programs and shopping for baby clothes.  Move over Mario Andretti, grandma’s coming in for a photo finish!  Might as well have baby ready for the ride with our racy socks or one of these racing-themed chairs to keep can keep the adrenalin pumping at home.  It’s just one more way to say that Grandparents Rock!