5 Pumpkin Decorations for a Fall Baby Shower

Your little one will be entering the world soon, and it’s time to have a celebration in anticipation. That’s right: we’re talking about the baby shower! And if you’re pregnant as the leaves change color, a fall baby shower is just the ticket. But how do you decorate a fall baby shower?

Your little one will be entering the world soon, and it’s time to have a celebration in anticipation. That’s right: we’re talking about the baby shower! And if you’re pregnant as the leaves change color, a fall baby shower is just the ticket.

But how do you decorate a fall baby shower? One of the best–and most fun–decorations of the season is the pumpkin. Read on for some pumpkin decoration inspiration.

Fall Baby Shower: Carved Pumpkins

Image via Habitually Chic

Announce your baby’s name by carving the letters into pumpkins. If you don’t want to carve that many pumpkins, you could always stick with the initials.

Fall Baby Shower: Pumpkin Lighting

Image via Family Circle

Use some smaller pumpkins for creative lighting. Just cut off the top, take out the innards and put a nice votive candle or tea light inside.

Fall Baby Shower: Thumbtack PumpkinsCheck out the bulk section of your local office supply store for the hardware for this craft: thumbtack pumpkins. Just cover your pumpkins in thumbtacks of any color for an instantly chic fall baby shower decoration. You could even do pink or blue thumbtacks to show off the gender of the baby.

Fall Baby Shower: Painted PumpkinHave some house paint and fabric paint lying around? Use them for a fun pumpkin design.

Fall Baby Shower: Painted PumpkinsRemember: Your pumpkins don’t have to match. Varied pumpkin designs make for a cool-looking fall baby shower.

How will you use pumpkins in your decorations?