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Keeping Baby Cool In Warm Weather

The hot weather months present a whole new set of challenges for health-conscious parents. It's no secret that babies don't care for the heat, and in the extreme temperatures of summer, prolonged exposure to heat and humidity don't just make baby uncomfortable - they can also be unhealthy. Because a child's body is still developing and forming, hot and humid weather can have different effects on their health and emotions than grown-ups or even larger children. Feeding times, sleep patterns, and activity cycles bend and change during summer, and for children craving stability and routine, such shifts can create any number of consequences.


If you're still breastfeeding, take care to feed your baby in the coolest room in the house, so that you're both more comfortable and your body temperature doesn't cause the milk to become overly warm. Typically the coolest room of any house is downstairs, and may sometimes be the bathroom or kitchen.
When feeding infants and toddlers, serve their meals at the regular time, but don't hesitate to move the meals into a cooler area of your home. You might have a picnic on the living room floor, or upstairs. The hot weather is also an opportunity to eat outside, under the shade of a tree. Such experiences develop into happy memories for children - but they won't remember the practical motivations behind the event!

Experts unanimously agree that hydration is the key to fighting overheating. You can rest assured your baby is getting enough water in your milk if he or she has between six to eight pale urinary movements per day. You can also look for the signs of dehydration common in adults. Is the baby sluggish or irritable? Is its skin pale or dry to the touch? Are the urinary movements dark and turgid? If you feel your baby might be dehydrated, consult a pediatrician as soon as possible. There are a number of treatments that can help baby quickly regain a healthy fluid level.
For parents of toddlers and small children, the hot weather somewhat paradoxically brings an opportunity to nurture good eating and drinking habits. Children, like adults, need to drink plenty of water during prolonged exposure to heat, taking in enough fluid every few hours to maintain a healthy fluid balance (the amount necessary varies with your child's age and weight.) Hot weather is also an excellent time to encourage children to eat vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, which help the body deal with heat and humidity and replace nutrients lost through sweating and urination.

Sleeping Habits
Children's growing bodies need sleep, even though sleep often becomes more difficult as temperatures rise. For babies, sleeplessness during hot weather must be controlled as during any other time, though you may wish to install a fan in your child's room. Make sure the fan is out of reach and secure on its surface.
Prevent sleeplessness in your child by installing box fans in the house, allowing them to sleep in different rooms, and turning the thermostat down at night, when it has to work less hard to cool your house.
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