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Geometric Baby Shower

Geometric shapes are fun to incorporate into every day decor, but theming an entire baby shower around them is a fun way to spice up the party!

This gender neutral theme is perfect with edible shapes in all different colors and triangles cut out and used in everything from the stationery, signage and decor.

Need an easy garland idea? Sew or tape triangles together on a string and hang or drape throughout the venue – here is a fun DIY tutorial with step by step directions.

Take the theme one step further and have each guest bring a gift fitting the geometric theme. And don’t let them leave empty handed! Send each guest home with a geometric goodie bag filled with treats.

Links: 1.Max & Friends via 100 Layer Cakelet 2. Sugar & Cloth 3. Little Frills 4. Amanda Megan Miller Photography via 100 Layer Cake 5. La Creme Boutique 6.Jenny Cookies via Hostess with the Mostess 7. Arthur & Craft 8. TomKat Studios 9. Corner Stork Baby Gifts

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