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Angelina Jolie: Selling the Truth to the Highest Bidder?

Amazing how a simple dress can spark rumors like the shot heard round the world. In the exploding world of celebrity pregnancy, Angelina and Brad may or may not be growing their family again. This is in addition to the recent report that they were adopting another third-world orphan. How can I possibly live without knowing for sure?

I have no problem with them adopting children who need good homes. I think it’s wonderful. They probably have enough money to adopt all the orphaned kids in Africa. I say, “ Go for it, you guys.”

And not only are the pregnancy rumors flying, some people suspect she may be having twins. Again, I think it’s lovely. They want a large family. More power to them.

Here’s what I don’t get…

It’s also been reported that Angelina is going to raise money for charity by selling confirmation of her pregnancy to the highest media bidder. OK. So didn’t she just confirm that she’s pregnant by offering the confirmation in the first place? That’s one reason not to bid for the info. And if a media giant spends zillions for the confirmation, and she confirms that she’s NOT pregnant, how P.O.ed is that media giant going to be? I supposed they could take the high road and be content in knowing that the zillions they paid for non-information is going to a good cause. Can’t wait to see what happens with this one.

Meanwhile, if it’s true that she is pregnant with twins, and all you Branjelina fans are already contemplating the baby gift you should send, I have three great ideas from Corner Stork that will have you covered whether she has two boys, two girls or one of each. If she has twin girls, send her the precious, pink Twins Deluxe Welcome Wagon for Girls. It’s loaded with plush toys, towels, brushes and combs, bathrobes, pacifiers and more. The Twins Deluxe Welcome Wagon for Boys has the same great stuff in blue, along with a couple of baseball caps. Of course, she could have a boy and a girl, so you’ll want to send Angelina the Twins Celestial Basket, overflowing with blankets, booties, bibs, plush bears and much more!

Since they named their first biological child Shiloh, I do hope they’ll consider the names Antietam and Gettysburg for these next two. Whatever the outcome, I wish them well. It’s refreshing to see celebrities put their money where their mouth is.

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