Bedtime Stories Baby Shower Theme

Don’t babies look positively dreamy when they’re sleeping?  So sweet and innocent, it’s as if heaven is smiling when they’re asleep.  Drawing you in with every breath and coo, a newborn’s nap time and sleep time can be a special bonding time for parents and baby.


Don’t babies look positively dreamy when they’re sleeping?  So sweet and innocent, it’s as if heaven is smiling when they’re asleep.  Drawing you in with every breath and coo, a newborn’s nap time and sleep time can be a special bonding time for parents and baby. As the years pass by, you’ll discover different ways to enjoy bedtime with your little one.  That sweet solitude of holding your little one on your chest as he or she sleeps to the sounds of your rhythmic heartbeat will turn into story time as you hold them in your arms as they are lulled off to la-la land with the words of  a good book.  Yes, bedtime is guaranteed to be a wonderful time of bonding for parents and baby for many years to come.  That’s why we think it’s the perfect inspiration for a unique baby shower theme.


Whether you choose a specific story to inspire your theme (such as “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Three Pigs” or “Goodnight Moon”) or just bedtime stories in general, you can have all sorts of fun decorations for the baby shower.

For a general theme, think about all the things that make stories at bedtime so much fun.  It’s the books, of course, but it’s also the warm bed and the comfy PJs.  The security of knowing that Mom or Dad is right there to keep away any boogie monsters.  Bring all these factors into the event by stacking or standing books on the tables as an accent, hanging a clothes line of super sweet sleepwear over the gift table, and have the soothing sounds of soft lullabies playing in the background as guests arrive.  If you’re using a particular book as the theme, bring the characters to life at the party with cutouts, themed balloons and plush animals.  Book baskets also make great centerpieces!

Gifts with the Theme in Mind

Because it’s a bedtime shower and not a traditional baby shower theme, this idea works perfectly for parents who already have other children and don’t particularly need all the usual baby items or for someone looking to prepare the nursery for their newborn.  Ask guests to bring baby gifts that can be used during sleep time, such as:

  • Buntings or Sleep Sacks
  • Storybooks
  • Pajamas
  • Plush Animals with Soothing Sounds
  • Baby Monitors
  • Nightlights

Let them write their own story

When looking for a way to thank guests, capitalize on the book theme with a thoughtful notepad that looks like a  storybook, a bookmark or something to help them relax at bedtime, like a small pillow.