A Starry Night Nursery

November is here, which means chilly nights are closing in quickly. One of the best things about a crisp, cloudless night is how well the stars pop out of the sky – and it’s something that would be lovely to recreate in a nursery!

November is here, which means chilly nights are closing in quickly. One of the best things about a crisp, cloudless night is how well the stars pop out of the sky – and it’s something that would be lovely to recreate in a nursery!

From hand painted ceilings filled with constellations to rugs decorated with starry specs, a starry night theme is suitable for either a boy or a girl and has so much potential for fun.  A few handmade prints posted on the walls along with some starry garland both add some sparkle to this theme, and a few non-decor mementos like a little bracelet bring the starry night theme into every day.

Links: 1. Art’s Delight 2. Nest Design Studio via Project Nursery 3. Overstock.com 4. Evergreen and Willow 5. Corner Stork Baby Gifts 6. Evesand 7.  From the Waiting Room